DQ roadmaps and heatmaps might transparently visualize the location of Principles, WIs, and UJs. Roadmaps and heatmaps are wonderful complements to mindmaps, making concepts or processes fully understood.
Due to diverse regulations the process of HOW TO DO DQ calls for deep root cause investigations and thorough remediations. Please reach out for further details.
The DQ Road- and Heatmap visualizes the location of Principles, WI, and UJs as deliverables in phase 4. Practice.
Appropriate activities are casted in the SixSigma DMAIC DQ Lifecycle and crossed with governance roles and RACI responsibilities. DMAIC stands for a DQ methodology with the phases Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
Beyond, right DQ roadmap prominently shows which other phases (1. Strategy, 2. Landscape, 3. Culture) and their components Principles, WI, and UJ are going through, becoming valuable deliverables. Principles, WIs, and UJs that are well coordinated between stakeholders generate solid DQ levels and trust in data.
On top the fat blue curve demonstrates which phase with its content & deliverable has most impact on DQ – and DQ levels are significantlyimpacted by 2. Landscape and 3. Culture.
The proposition in a nutshell:
This trust can be turned in credibility once levels of phases 0 – 4 have been enriched by 5. Competencies that are reinforcing trust in data.
"Create Principles, Work Instructions, and User Journeys and use the full stack of Mind-, Road-, and Heatmaps to give orientation at each stage to any data stakeholder"
The Roadmap in a nutshell:
Advice: Link DQ Roadmap and Heatmap with the Mindmap on the page Credibility to obtain the full picture of DQ, Governance, and Competencies. You will then deduct a better idea of the concept Credibility in Data.