Data Quality

It is intended to make DQ accessible to all types of reader, but especially dedicated to people who want to understand in which manner DQ impacts their daily life.

Thus, content is expressed in a natural non-scientific language, where possible.

Each of the 3 dimensions - WHY, WHAT, and HOW - is linked to an autonomous DQ website.

Data Quality

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Why DQ: The dimension WHY is dedicated to readers who are focused on business values, generated by DQ. Why DQ accentuates physical and mental impacts through DQ.

What is DQ: The dimension WHAT addresses readers who are curious in ontologies and the impact of data on real life situations. WHAT is DQ is adjusted to people with a scientific disposition.

How to do DQ: HOW is the specification of WHY and WHAT. This part guides readers to approach DQ. Pragmatism is key. HOW proposes actions and deliverables to achieve best fitting levels of DQ for decision-making.

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